With Ashley's background as a stage manager, casting associate, original programming executive, strategist, and producer, she helps artists and executives solidify their goals, identify areas for improvement, and stick to a strategy to realize their projects.

8 years professional experience in casting

20+ movies developed and produced as creative lead

6 years professional experience in  programming development and strategy

50+ writers guided in script development

Work Experience & Skills

Squires Creative offers story development, script consulting, production consulting, and career development strategies for creatives.

Writing a screenplay has been a longtime dream of mine, and when I came to Ashley with the grains of an idea, she immediately was helpful. She helped me flesh out story, characters, and act breaks in a new way. She found the flaws that wouldn't help the script sell, and guided me in finessing them. Ashley is thorough in her feedback and a champion of writers. I felt cared for and nurtured throughout the process.

"If you want to know not only how to write but sell a script, you need look no further."

Erin La Rosa -  Writer

Whether we are starting from a concept or polishing a nearly finished product, my goal is to see you through the process in an effective, fun, and strategic way.



Individualized guidance for your project, tailored to your specific goals. Examples include:

- Crafting and critiquing a pitch for your big meeting
- Creative problem solving for projects in production 
- Career strategy and consultation
- Workshopping story ideas and elevating your story to the next step
Opportunity to book alongside DETAILED SCRIPT NOTES (see below)

Specific feedback on structure, dialogue, and character development for features and television. This includes:

- Page by page notes
- Analysis on what is working and what isn't
- Problem solving for moments in the story that need some love 

Add-on a strategy session for additional conversation 

Individualized guidance for your project, tailored to your specific goals. Examples include:

- Crafting and critiquing a pitch for your big meeting
- Creative problem solving for projects in production 
- Career strategy and consultation
- Workshopping story ideas and elevating your story to the next step
Opportunity to book alongside DETAILED SCRIPT NOTES (see below)


1:1 Coaching

"It was the best investment I have ever made. She's incredible!"

4 & 8 Private Calls

Email Support

Private FB Group

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"This Facebook Membership Community is so beyond words, it brings incredible value!

→ Weekly  Live Coaching

Join Today for $33!

Candy sweet roll jelly-o topping caramels caramels macaroon donut chupa chups. Sweet wafer liquorice sugar plum cupcake tiramisu chocolate cake.

→ Like-minded community

→ Monthly guest experts

→ workbooks and more

 What really blew me out of the water was how she recently helped me develop a new career shift in my life. I called her for guidance and she exceeded my expectations. She helped me create and develop my new business path and a business strategy. I was just asking her for some friendly advice and I got 10x more than that. Anyone would be grateful to have someone like Ashley on their team. 

"I've never been more confident in anyone's skills"

Gina Ward - Performer