8 years professional experience in casting
20+ movies developed and produced as creative lead
6 years professional experience in programming development and strategy
50+ writers guided in script development
Work Experience & Skills
Writing a screenplay has been a longtime dream of mine, and when I came to Ashley with the grains of an idea, she immediately was helpful. She helped me flesh out story, characters, and act breaks in a new way. She found the flaws that wouldn't help the script sell, and guided me in finessing them. Ashley is thorough in her feedback and a champion of writers. I felt cared for and nurtured throughout the process.
Erin La Rosa - Writer
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What really blew me out of the water was how she recently helped me develop a new career shift in my life. I called her for guidance and she exceeded my expectations. She helped me create and develop my new business path and a business strategy. I was just asking her for some friendly advice and I got 10x more than that. Anyone would be grateful to have someone like Ashley on their team.
Gina Ward - Performer